Source code for pyseaflux.solubility

CO2 solubility in seawater

[docs]def solubility_weiss1974(salt, temp_K, press_atm=1, checks=True): """Calculates the solubility of CO2 in sea water Used in the calculation of air-sea CO2 fluxes. We use the formulation by Weiss (1974) summarised in Wanninkhof (2014). Args: salt (array): salinity in PSU temp_K (array): temperature in deg Kelvin press_atm (array): pressure in atmospheres. Used in the solubility correction for water vapour pressure. If not given, assumed that press_atm is 1atm Returns: array: solubility of CO2 in seawater (:math:`K_0`) in mol/L/atm Examples: from Weiss (1974) Table 2 but with pH2O correction >>> solubility_weiss1974(35, 299.15) 0.029285284543519093 """ from numpy import exp, log, nanmedian from xarray import DataArray from . import vapour_pressure as vapress if checks: if nanmedian(temp_K) < 270: raise ValueError("Temperature is not in Kelvin") T = temp_K S = salt P = press_atm # from table in Wanninkhof 2014 a1 = -58.0931 a2 = +90.5069 a3 = +22.2940 b1 = +0.027766 b2 = -0.025888 b3 = +0.0050578 T100 = T / 100 K0 = exp( a1 + a2 * (100 / T) + a3 * log(T100) + S * (b1 + b2 * T100 + b3 * T100 ** 2) ) pH2O = vapress.weiss1980(S, T) K0 = K0 / (P - pH2O) # mol / L / atm --> mol / m3 / uatm # mol . L-1 . atm-1 * (L . m-3) * (atm . uatm-1) # 1000 * 1e-6 if isinstance(K0, DataArray): K0 = K0.assign_attrs( units="mol/L/atm", description=( "solubility based on Weiss (1974), with a correction for " "vapour pressure (Weiss, 1980)" ), ) return K0 # units mol/L/atm